无锡台达金属材料有限公司是一家销售、加工特钢的生产型企业,位于中国经济高速发达地区无锡硕放经济开发区,立足华东,辐射全国;2010年初公司全面通过ISO 9001:2000质量管理体系认证;公司设立两个近3000平方米室内仓库和一个近5000平方米的露天仓库;年销售特钢、进口模具钢5000多吨,主要经营:718h,p20,nak80,2738,塑胶模具钢等进口模具钢、军工钢、合金钢、易切削钢、弹簧钢、轴承钢、高速钢、齿轮钢、不锈钢、无磁钢、耐磨钢、钨钢,现已是国内大型模具开发公司、军工企业、机械加工厂和汽车制造业的主要供应商。   多年来,本着“诚信经营、品质上”和“厚德载物、共创双赢”的经营信条;无锡台达模具材料有限公司先后荣获"江苏省重质量守诚信企业"、"江苏省诚信经营企业"、"江苏省销售百强企业"等荣誉称号,公司已成为抚顺特钢、上海宝钢、长城特钢、首钢集团、杭钢集团、西宁特钢、重庆特钢、贵阳特钢、大冶特钢特约经销商。同时签约代理销售:日本日立、日本大同、瑞典一胜百、奥地利百禄、美国芬可乐、德国撒斯特等世界钢厂优质塑胶模具钢、冷作模具钢、热作模具钢。   无锡台达模具材料有限公司下设:产品开发部、技术部、商务部、生产部、加工部、品管部、特殊规格锻造部、物流部、财务部、管理部、售后服务部;为广大用户提供生产、加工、销售、物流等一条龙服务。拥有一批高学历、业务娴熟、技术精湛的服务团队,严格的质量管理体系以及科学严谨的管理机制;秉承“品质、客户、技术、”的原则,始终保持着稳健的增长,赢得了众多的发展优势。有口皆碑的信誉、精益求精的产品和力求的服务是无锡台达模具材料有限公司成功的关键所在,公司力求创造业绩。   公司宗旨:的品牌,的产品,的质量,的服务无锡台达模具材料有限公司,愿与海内外朋友一起精诚合作,携手共创价值!


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        Welcome you visit our website, products and services are currently the main 五金模具钢材;塑胶模具钢材;压铸模具钢材, if interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your message, it will will be the first time to contact you.

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    Our main business "五金模具钢材;塑胶模具钢材;压铸模具钢材" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 江苏省无锡市滨湖区硕放鸿山街道金马路20号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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